We recently bought Tristan lots of clothes from Gymboree. We actually don't have a lot of 6 month size clothes and lately we need to change him twice every day due to poopy accidents. There were lots of great deals still so we didn't actually spend a lot of money. Nothing fancy. Just your every day wear. Initially, when Tristan arrived, we received lots of clothes as gifts. However, like all babies, he grew fast and many of the sizes we received are now either very small (less than 3 months) or too big (more than 6 months). I don't mind buying clothes for him since I love shopping for baby clothes. I don't feel guilty about it since it's not for me and it's so cute and fun.
In terms of development, Tristan can sort of sit up unsupported. He sits fine straight but once he turns to look at something, he slowly falls over. He rolls over from belly to back but not all the time. He moves a lot so it's more difficult to diaper and change his clothes now. He's getting a lot smarter and is so curious of everything. If you talk, he will just stare at you and watch you. He's interested in what I do every day. I call him my little spy :)

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