Vally Trail in Whistler is 35KM of paved and/or crushed gravel trail. You can enter it off trails from Alta Lake to Green Lake. The signs for the trail are not always clear but if you are on a paved long trail labeled "share the trail" at the entrance, you are probably on part of the valley trail.
We stayed at a resort in the Upper Village and we were able to access the trail off of Lorimer Road. We ran to Rainbow Park, around the entire Alta Lake and then back again to the village. The round trip was 11.4KM. It's a gorgeous run through lakes, parks, executive style homes, golf courses, forest, and of course stunning views of snow-capped mountains. We encountered a few walkers and bikers on the trail but it was mostly quiet.

Running or biking the valley is definitely the best way to see it. If you are a runner and especially if you have a small child you can push a jogging stroller, I highly recommend this valley run. The trail is paved and in excellent condition. We timed our runs with Tristan's nap time in the afternoon so it worked out great. Being away on vacation, he had to nap in his stroller every day. When he wasn't napping, he just sat back and enjoyed the views. It must be nice to be pushed about in a chariot for such a lovely tour :)
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