October 14th is on a Thursday and that is not a day Tristan is at daycare. One of the staff there told me that I could ask to go anyway because there could be space on the bus but I am not going to ask. The original plan was to go to the pumpkin patch twice anyway; once with daycare and once with the family. Besides, the Laity pumpkin patch in Maple Ridge looks much more interesting and would probably not be as busy as the one at the Richmond farm (which by the way, has a really annoying flash website!).
Yes, I'm sad about the whole thing but then again, we got to go to the Vancouver Aquarium when the other part-timers at daycare missed out on that trip. Between the Vancouver Aquarium and the pumpkin patch in Richmond, I would totally choose the Aquarium anyway. I mean we will still get to do the pumpkin patch but just not with the kids at daycare. I don't think Tristan will mind very much.
When we were full time in the infant room, there were no perks for the kids. The baby room was the only room that was not included in the field trips. They were also too young for classes such as music or learning French. Now that we're in the toddler room and transitioned into part time, we're missing out on stuff :( Tristan takes part in French classes but misses out on music because he is not there on that day. We miss out on some field trips. I can't really complain though because so far in my opinion, we have been on all the fun field trips. We also get the baking day but miss out on the movie watching day. That's awesome because Tristan is not allowed to watch anything on TV anyway. All in all, the daycare arrangement has been great.
This is the first time that I am bummed he is missing out on a field trip. We'll make it up to him when we go. After thinking about it, we will have so much more fun on our own. We will be able to pick a nice day to go and we will be able to take our time. Daycare will go in the rain or sunshine and will always be back before 1PM in time for the naps. We will hopefully go when it's not too busy so that we can take some cool pictures. It's going to be awesome!
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