I think the squirrels have taken over Central Park in Burnaby. We had a walk through the park yesterday and knew instantly that Tristan was going to have a blast. He loves squirrels! It was actually one of his first words and he loves signing squirrel and making squirrel noises. At one point, we saw five squirrels in just this one area. I don't think I've seen that many at one place since walking through Stanley Park. Squirrel season, right? It sure looks like it.
I was shocked to see so many people feeding the squirrels inside Central Park. We knew this had to be the case when the squirrels started approaching us. Then we saw people throwing peanuts at them and even Cheerios. Aren't there "do not feed wildlife signs" anywhere? We didn't see any sign but you would think people would know better. The squirrels by our house are scared of humans and they should be! They came so close to us, I was scared. They may be cute from far away but not inches from us.

Our Central Park visit was actually my first. We ran on the side of it before but I had never walked inside of it. We went with the stroller and the trail was actually very flat and stroller friendly. I love stroller friendly trails :) Not surprisingly, we encountered a lot of runners and bikers along the trail. With all the trees in there, I imagine it would be beautiful in the Fall. We will definitely go back for a walk and some more pictures when the leaves turn color and fall.
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