Bruises are normal, especially for toddlers. What sort of annoyed me was how they handled it. The staff from the infant room, who were still responsible for Tristan, were scrambling to find out more details for me but they couldn't. Last time an accident occurred, they wrote it down in their log book and got me to sign it. They also explained that they had iced his head. There was none of that this time.
Tristan will be leaving the infant room this week and will go on to the toddler room starting next Monday. I mentioned that I wanted a copy of their schedule and I wanted to tour and meet the staff over there. One of the staff in the infant room kind of chuckled and said that they aren't very organized over in the toddler room. Now I wonder. When I picked Tristan up today, he had what looked like sand by his mouth and the sippy cup he was drinking from was dirty. On top of that, the right sleeve of his jacket was wet with mud. I also noticed on his report that he had perogi during snack time. I never packed him any. Was that a daycare snack all the kids were given? I'll have to ask about that tomorrow. Now I really wonder. Are these all previews of what I should expect from the toddler room? Or maybe they weren't watching him much since he was only visiting today from the infant room? Well, all the dirtiness I can probably get used to, as long as he doesn't ingest much of it. The injuries are more worrisome. There are obviously bigger, more challenging toys over there and he is super curious and fearless. I just want to know that the staff are watching over the kids carefully. I would like better communication too. That is all.
That doesn't sound very promising. You certainly don't want to hear one staff member chuckle at a parent request to meet the other staff!
I think you are justified in your worries. I would make sure you get the tour that you want, meet the staff and be sure to request specifics about the injuries. I am sure there really isn't anything to worry about but getting all the information always helps to ease a worried moms mind! My oldest is starting preschool this Fall so I am learning the what-to-dos from you! Thanks!
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