We took an afternoon trip up
Mt. Faron. Mt. Faron is probably the only real big attraction in Toulon. It's close to the city and there are stunning views when you drive up. The drive is a bit nerve wrecking though since there are often no barriers on the side of the road and if you aren't careful, you can drive right off the mountain. I remember when we first took my parents up, they were even too scared to look out the window on our way up. Mt. Faron is definitely a must-do for those visiting Toulon though :)

At the top, we walked around for more views of the city and surrounding area. Tristan got to play in the playground a bit and then we visited the
zoo. It was a cat zoo. Mostly tigers, pumas, jaguars, panthers, cheetahs, bobcats, etc. There were monkeys too and a bear. At 18 months old, I think Tristan is still too young to enjoy the zoo. What he was really interested in doing was just running around. Go figure!

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