Our visiting nurse told us to give Tristan tummy time 4-5 times a day for 1-2 minutes after his cord falls off. Well, his cord fell off on day 16th and we have been subjecting him to tummy time since. Most of the time, he just hates it because it's hard work so he cries :( Other times, he is just too tired and he sleeps with his head on the side. Needless to say, it's hard to give Tristan good tummy time and even harder to capture a good photo of it when he is bobbling his head around.

Tristan is in his best mood first thing in the morning. This morning during tummy time, I was able to capture this clear perfect shot of him lifting his head. He put great height into it too! Good job little sweetie! I was so proud to have finally gotten a good shot, I entered it into a fun photo contest. Most the entries so far (and there aren't many) are of older babies. Tristan is the youngest so I think he should get extra points for that :) If you like his tummy time picture too, please vote for him here: Tummy Time Photo Contest on BabyCenter.ca
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