It had just been the 2 of us for the past 7 years since we were married but now we are 3 and it's taking a bit of getting used to. It's sort of hard to grasp the idea that we are becoming more like a family. We actually have a child now.... wow! A biological child that is part me and part Jean-Louis. How amazing is that?!?! Again, wow! Listen to me - can you tell I'm a parent newbie? I can't be the only one that thinks the whole concept of human reproduction is fascinating and miraculous, am I? There's nothing that makes you feel more womanly and human than going through pregnancy and birth. I still can't believe I got to experience it all. Now, for being a mommy.... that's another adventure I'm looking forward to :) To be able to see Tristan grow and develop over the next little bit and cherish every moment of it - this is a lifetime opportunity. He's giving us a lot of stress these days but no matter what challenges are thrown our way, we will still be there to support and encourage him through all his tough milestones.
I finally have a routine going that enables me to snooze more during the day and I'm beginning to feel like there is a bit more time to do things now. I got to hand wash some of Tristan's clothes and got to prepare and eat my lunch in peace today. Yay! I also cleaned up the dirty stove area this morning... it was a brief clean but already I feel so much better. I can't stand filth - yuk! I'm also starting to read more about breastfeeding and taking care of a baby. Slowly but surely, things are looking brighter.
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