I have heard of other babies who started talking earlier than Tristan and the Babycenter newsletters I receive gives me the impression that Tristan is a little late at talking compared to many other babies. I have also heard of late talkers, including Albert Einstein who didn't speak until he was 3 years old. I was never too worried about when Tristan was going to talk because we sign with him and I knew he would be a bit late since we speak two, sometimes three languages to him. Right now, as far as I can tell, he can only say a few words in English. I am not paying attention to the French side and Jean-Louis can't recall any time Tristan spoke French with him. That makes sense since I speak to Tristan mostly in English and so does daycare.
Here is what he can say with full comprehension (however, the pronunciation is not perfect):
- mama
- dada (or papa)
- hi
- bye
- ball
- squirrel
- over there
- done
At the moment, these words are questionable:
- fish
- downstairs
- door
- what's that?
I love how detailed your posts are. I need to take better notes. I've heard most boys are late talkers, then again, maybe you have the next Einstein on your hands. LOL.
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