Tristan started eating solids when he turned 6 months old. Fortunately for us, it was summer time and most of the fruits and vegetables were in season. Because babies start on simple foods and there is no seasoning whatsoever, making baby food is a snap. We have the Magic Bullet too and it works great for pureeing and mashing his food. We would cook more than enough and then what we can't consume in 2 days, we would freeze right away in baby cubes.
I love my baby cubes! I bought 1 set of the Stage 1 cubes and 2 sets of the Stage 2 cubes. They are microwaveable, dishwasher friendly, freezable etc. The Stage 1 cubes really don't fit much and would be only good for when the baby is really young. I also find that the Stage 1 cubes don't close as tightly as the Stage 2 cubes. A Stage 2 cube can be defrosted and used over 2 days in the fridge. I do that now. If you want to do just one feeding, then you could use an entire Stage 1 cube. Otherwise, I would suggest just buying Stage 2 cubes. They fit more and are better containers.

The goal is to keep up feeding him baby food is mashed form or small chunks until he is 1 year old. I want to be more creative in the dishes that I make as well but I don't want to introduce any seasonings yet. Right now, I am actually using formula milk or breastmilk as my seasoning. Of course, I can't completely avoid seasonings and additives since I am feeding him things like cottage cheese and bread, which I buy from the store. Hopefully, when he is 1, we can feed him homo milk. There are a lot of other foods too that will be safe for him when he turns 1. That will be another exciting time :)
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