Tristan is finally 3 months old. Some people say 3 months is the transition month and that things get easier from here. Well, things are definitely better today than it was the first month, that's for sure. We're sleeping more and he's more responsive, smiles and coos a lot - so that's great. Feeding him is less demanding now too since his growth has slowed down a bit and I only feed him about 6 times a day. Breastfeeding actually got much easier the second month. It has been a long time since I had blisters and it doesn't hurt at all anymore. Tristan gets full after about 20-30 minutes so I don't have to dedicate as much time to feeding anymore. All is well in that department :) As a result, he has less pees and poops too so we don't have to change him as much.

I was going to make a cake to celebrate his 3-month birthday but we'll have to see. Right now, I'm pretty pooped. Last night we didn't sleep as well as we would have liked. We just had trouble falling asleep, even after Tristan dosed off. This morning we went to Jean-Louis' work place and finally paid a visit to his co-workers. They all seem to love Tristan and he didn't embarrass us by crying (or farting) :) Next week we will be taking a trip down to White Rock to visit my co-workers. Hopefully, he will be just as good.
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