Yesterday, we woke up to snow. There was around 5 centimeters of snow on the ground. Actually, we woke up to the sound of Tristan, followed by the sound of the telephone ringing :) My sister tried to call us to see if we wanted to go out and play in the snow. The forecast was calling for rain and she wanted to leave before all the snow washed away. Luckily, we got out before the rain started.
We walked to a nearby field with sloped hills. It was perfect for tobogganing. Too bad Tristan was not interested in doing it. We're not sure if he was scared or whether he was just not interested. He's probably scared, eh? Maybe next year when he is 3, he will be more excited. Too bad. I did go down with him once but right after, he said he didn't like it. Well, at least I had fun! :)

It's funny how badly we want to do certain things and our toddlers aren't necessarily as keen!
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