In our family, we celebrate with a big feast on the Eve, which was Saturday this year. We all feasted on hot pot with all the good stuff like seafood, pork and fish balls, tofu, spinach, mushrooms - everything you would want in a hot pot. We ate until we were silly. That night, I tasted a bit of alcohol for the first time in almost 2 years. It was kind of gross. Then there was lobster, chocolate chip cookies that we bought, and lots of oranges! There was also traditional fried goodies of all sorts. All the married people had to give out red envelopes (lai see) to all the unmarried people who are younger, as well as the parents. Since we have been married for awhile, we had to give out a lot and of course, we never got any in return - until Tristan arrived! We will be depositing all his lai see money in his account :) Lucky baby!

Tristan was cranky on New Years. He went to sleep late and didn't sleep well because the environment was different and it was noisy in the house. His running nose seemed to be worst as well. All is fine and dandy now that we have been home a day. Jean-Louis was also in a sour mood that day. He woke up early with Tristan and if Tristan is crabby, then he will be too. Jean-Louis broke the toilet and then there was a flood. So much for not cleaning on New Years. He swore throughout the day, he yelled, he was grumpy all day like he was mad at someone - he was on a role to condemn his whole year! What a pity considering he is a Tiger and this was suppose to be his year:( My day was a bit better, although I felt another cold coming and I was super tired.

Routine really is huge when you have a baby or a small child. I don't feel like vacations are at all relaxing anymore, because being in a strange environment and out of routine just stresses everyone out too much. We do it, but certainly not as often or on the spur of the moment like we did before children.
Oh my goodness - that is THE cutest outfit ever.
We just spent 10 days away from home in deluxe place on the sunshine coast and he screamed himself silly every night. We barely slept. I was so happy to get home.
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