Cindy, one of the staff, there changed Tristan's diaper while I was still there and he didn't fuss at all. She did it without taking off his entire pants too. Impressive. She remarked that he doesn't cry. I told her "not yet." I sure hope he is a good boy and that he has a nice play day there. Since it is his first day, I will go pick him up earlier today around 4PM. I told Cindy I would call around lunch time to check on him too. Hey, I'm a first time parent and this is my first daycare experience! They seem cool with a lot of things I requested and are flexible so that is a plus.
It feels weird being alone. The house is super quiet. I like it :) Now, I sort of remember what life was like before Tristan arrived. With Tristan, it has always been rush rush whenever I did anything. I am now slowing down just a bit and it's nice.
What's planned for today? Work of course. I want to get a good 3-4 hours of work done. Cooking, laundry and maybe even a nap :)
Hope Tristan enjoys his daycare life ;) He looks so cute on the picture :P
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